The season is done but that doesn't mean we are. We will be having one last Thursday night at the club. Get down there for our usual training session and have one more night of fun with the Dodger family. Also remember that we are working on cleaning this week to hand to … Continue Reading ››
All posts by berwickdodgers
End of Season working bee
That time of year has come and we need to get ready to wrap things up. We will start working on cleaning the rooms and packing up on Monday 26 August from 5pm. The more hands the better so please come in, even for a half hour, and help take of the room that has … Continue Reading ››
End of Season
This Saturday marks the final games of the season for the Senior mens teams at Dandenong. It is also the final home and away game for the womens team on Sunday at Mornington.
As this is the last guaranteed week for all teams, after the mens games on … Continue Reading ››
Presentation Night 2019
The 2019 Presentation night will be held on Friday the 6th of September at 7pm. Our venue this year is Ambrosia Cafe at 13/84 Bemersyde Drive Berwick. Cost is 35 per head which includes a 3 course meal and drinks re at bar prices. See your coach or a committee … Continue Reading ››