A come and try day will be held at the Berwick field on Sunday the 31st of March from 11am till 1pm. All current, former and prospective players of all ages and genders are invited to come down. Fees can be paid on the day and for new players you can … Continue Reading ››
All posts by berwickdodgers
Fees info 2019
Fees information for 2019 has been announced. Senior fees will be $170 and include a new club warm up shirt which the B2 team will use as a playing top.
Head to the fees page for a full rundown.
Annual General Meeting
2019 is upon us and winter season is just around the corner.
We are holding our AGM on Wednesday 20th February 8.00pm at the clubrooms. We advise all members/supporters to attend if possible as we need to fill roles of executive roles and general committee.
If you have any nomination for roles please forward them to … Continue Reading ››
Presentation Nights
Junior presentation night will be held at the clubrooms on Friday 17th August at 6pm for a bbq dinner supplied.
Senior presentation night will be held at Fountain Gate Hotel on 7th September at 7pm. Tickets are $50 a head which includes 3 course dinner. This is a pre payed event and must be payed by … Continue Reading ››