Category Archives: Uncategorized
Further updates to the 2020 winter season
At this stage, most of you would be aware that the April 7 date has been moved to April 14th. The DBA is considering what the season will look like whilst taking in the government mandates and input from BV.
We, The Berwick Dodgers Committee, are looking to work with … Continue Reading ››
Update for the Upcoming Season
Hello Dodgers Family and Supporters,
As all of you would be aware, we are facing a lot of challenges with COVID-19. For the baseball community, the biggest challenge has been the mandates from Baseball Victoria and Baseball Australia.
Those mandates are in place to keep all of us as safe as possible and we, as a club, … Continue Reading ››
2020 AGM
The Berwick Dodgers will be hosting the Annual General Meeting at the clubrooms on Wednesday the 19th Of Februrary at 8pm.
It would be good to get as many people there as possible and attendance at this usually short meeting will help the club to elect an exectutive and … Continue Reading ››